sometimes you just wonder if
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The train of thought is dystopi
oh ye in the plains of CD roms , what is YOUR aesthetic? is it communist ,. or a machine , hell machines ,. you know what i mean , you saw it , spaced in between the couch and the great
why DO I write? why do i do what I do, what is THE point even - I’ll tell you
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I can’t keep up 01101111 01101000 00100000 01110000 01101100 01100101 01100001 01110011 01100101 00100000 01101000 01100101 01101100 01110000 00100000 01101101 01100101
i do i do i do i do i do i do ohhh
It’s like, a bunch of boxes, i read on the internet , about disc fragmentation, and, it’s kind of how i fe
an, you keep thinking in lines., straight direct lines, 180 degrees , start a thought, finish it right away, always.,
i cant keep up
it keeps repeating itself
why DO I write? why do i do what I
why DO i write? why do i
why DO i write?
it goes away
el, thoughts to me aren’t really, one , its hard , focus , focus , focus , focus , focus put the boxes together
the blue box goes with the blue box
the red box goes with the red box
the yellow box goes with the yellow box
this is how you build a thought, an idea, but i cant
it changes, put the blue box with the red box ,make it a circle , a triangle , a mountain or a sea, paint an invisible picture
where do you even start
you you you you you you you you you you you
I cant
When data, such as a file, is stored on a hard drive the operating system attempts to store that file in one section of contiguous, locations that are connecting without a break, space. When you have a new hard drive, storing data in contiguous spaces is not a problem. As you use the hard drive though, files will be deleted from it and small pockets of space will be created on your hard drive. These small pockets of space on your hard drive is called fragmentation.
Do you live by those
the blue box goes with the blue box
the red box goes with the red box
the yellow box goes with the yellow box
sometimes you just wonder if all of this is okay, if you’re going to GET it , you won’t , I won’t , at least
get it
have it
underSTAND it
its gone
i cant finish it
i cant finish it
i cant finish it
the red box goes with the
why is the box red, why are they colored (coloured)
ideas (idea) are (are)
i can finish it
why DO I write? why do i do what I do?
the answer is simple - I like it - put one word on a white sheet, then another, an another, and another and go on, you got a whole text
something YOU (i) created
to my own image
after your (my) own thoughts, so sparse may they be
this IS why i write
this IS why i do what i do
So, what IS your aesthetic - is it communist, or a machine? a hell machine, a contorted machine, one that screams pain, one that doesnt work or
or what ,what else could it be? organic? I just can’t see it - its either this or that, 0 or 1 and
Stop the train.
>> Proceed.